How To Avoid Life’s Distractions And Use Time More Wisely

How To Avoid Life’s Distractions And Use Time More Wisely

by | Apr 30, 2019 | Blog

One of the main pitfalls of modern society is the lack of personal development. People are less apt to reach their full potential, because they are constantly distracted. Life has become far more complex than it ever was in the past, which leads to inefficient usage of time. With all the distractions that are provided by technological innovations and the like, it is next to impossible for a person to focus on their true purpose.


person holding smartphone with black Canon bridge camera on wrist at daytime

Between our obsession with our cellular telephones, constant e-mailing, long work commutes and toxic personal relationships that drain us both mentally and physically, it’s no wonder why so many people are drifting away from the world of entrepreneurship. We are allowing our lives to become more difficult and complex than they should be, when the focus needs to be on simplicity.

To put this into perspective, consider that the average work commute time for each United States citizen is roughly 25 minutes (one way!). When you consider all of the time you will spend commuting to and from work, the minutes eventually add up into days, which will become years over the course of your working existence.

By taking the simple, yet effective measure of moving closer to your place of work, you could cut down on the amount of time you spend on pointless commutes each day. This principle also applies to the time we spend on our phones, computers, etc.

Even if you only spend an hour per day texting and e-mailing, these hours add up to over 24 hours per month. At year’s end, you’ve wasted nearly two weeks with these activities and this is with a conservative estimate. What could you be using those hours on instead? Children, exercise, hobbies, volunteer, work, or whatever matters to you.

When you make the conscious effort to simplify your life, a lot of the things that once seemed important will lose their luster. It is much easier to find your true purpose and enhance your personal development when you live a stress free existence that is less dependent on newfangled forms of technology.


women using laptop on brown wooden table

The only way to ascertain what matters to you the most is to thoroughly investigate your daily habits, with an eye towards making the necessary changes. True change does not come about without intense moments of introspection.

Personal development happens when a person is willing to look deep inside of themselves and assesses the usage of their time from an objective standpoint. Otherwise, you will continue to spin your wheels in the mud.

Your true purpose is not going to come searching for you, you must take the proper steps to find it. Eliminate the time you spend on pointless pursuits such as texting, e-mailing and commuting to and from a job you don’t even like and make time for the things you truly love to do.


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