We all have a reason for being on the planet, what is yours?

We all have a reason for being on the planet, what is yours?

by | Apr 30, 2019 | Blog

Most people think of life purpose in terms of answers to questions such as “Who am I meant to be?” “What I am meant to do?” or “Why am I here?” According to some researches, your purpose can be divided into three distinct aspects that include specific life mission, essential doing and essential being.

Once you focus your work in a niche that expresses your innate essential doing, rather than trying to serve a broad market, your business will be transformed. It is a fact that identifying your innate niche will enable you to do the work that brings out your natural best.

two man laughing at each other

If you reflect back on your life, what have you always catalyzed in others? It could be to bring harmony where there is conflict or clarity when everyone else is confused. Once you narrow your niche, it makes it easier for potential clients to know whether or not you are the best fit for them. Apart from this, it is also easier to refer out those who don’t align with your values. Meanwhile, you will be in heaven doing the work that you love the most and being in heaven is what it is really all about. Having precise purpose statements allows you to remind yourself of who you are when you forget and to make purpose-directed choices in life.

Ultimately what matters most is the experience of living on purpose- the synchronicity, fulfillment, passion and joy that let you know that you are making a contribution in alignment with the deepest nature. Business Finishing School is a blueprint that successful companies follow to maximize results.

The blueprint starts with purpose and values. If you are questioning the meaning of life, if you are not satisfied with choices you have made in life, if you can’t find inner peace, if you feel your life is stuffed with things that are not of your choosing and that don’t satisfy you, then it is the perfect time for you to discover your true self.

Human beings want to feel useful and they long to give their lives a deeper meaning. As long as you have not discovered this deeper meaning, you feel frustrated and on the wrong track. Most people want their lives to be worthwhile however it does not mean that you need to attain great feats or become world famous. You just need to feel in place and do the right things surrounded by the right people. It is all about living a life in alignment with your purpose and values.

grayscale photo of man and woman holding their hands

The ultimate mission on Earth is twofold. The general aspect is that you are here to learn to bring more love into the world. The personal aspect is that everyone has its own peculiar and a unique way of doing things.

Humans know that they are here on Earth for something more important than just working, sleeping and eating. The world is waiting for people to step up, take a stand, for who they are and what contribution they were put on the earth to make. What is yours?


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