Taking responsibility for your life – What does that really mean?

Taking responsibility for your life – What does that really mean?

by | Apr 30, 2019 | Blog

As a person, you should be aware that you are responsible for your happiness, wealth, career, relationships and any other part of your life. According to some researches, taking responsibility begins by seeing that you are at the source of your life. Next, people will see that they have the power to change any aspect of their lives when they understand they are at the source of it. This is what entrepreneurship is all about. It is about taking responsibility for where you are in life.

Once you take responsibility for your life, you now have the power to change your life. In the present society, it is easy to fall into the thinking that it is just not your fault. From the quality of your finances to your personal relationships to your problems at work- you want to believe that it is not you that caused the problem. The problem with this line of thinking is that it places you squarely in the role of the victim. If everything is happening to you, it simply means that you don’t have control over the situation. You need to bear in mind that it is not your fault. However, as long as you continue to believe this, you will never live the life you dream of.

Control your Reactions

You may not have the control over everything that happens to you and you rarely have control over other people however you do have control over your actions, emotions and thoughts. No one forces you to react defensively to your boss. No one forces you to pull away from your spouse or yell at your kids. You opt to take each of these actions. Once you accept this, your life changes dramatically and you begin empowering yourself.

No one can live your life for you

It is a fact that no one can live your life for you. Your friends may believe that you should act a certain way, so you do. Your parents may have always wanted you to be a lawyer or doctor, so you did. But in each of these cases, you are giving in and agreeing to go along with them. Perhaps you do it because you fear doing otherwise. Perhaps you do it because you want their approval. In each case, you make the decision to act in accordance with their beliefs about you. It does not have to be this way; you can step up and make decision for yourself despite what other want for you. It is your life and it is your right to shape it as you would like for it to be.

Steps to Take Responsibility for your Life

  • Take time for reflection every day
  • Eliminate blame
  • Change your reaction
  • Examine your life
  • Take action

It is true that taking responsibility can be scary however it is also empowering. It is very normal that you will feel fear since you are reaching outside your comfort zone and when you do that, you are giving yourself the best opportunity to learn and grow.


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