How To Fail Your Way To The Top

How To Fail Your Way To The Top

by | May 2, 2019 | Blog

One of the best things you can do in life is fail.  One of the worst things you can do in life is not learn from it.  My mentor said something to me that was extremely transformational.  He said, “most people don’t make the same mistake twice, they usually make it thirty or forty times.”  I then began to think about all the things I have done that I would do over and over again hoping for a different outcome.

One of the best things you can do in life is fail.  One of the worst things you can do in life is not learn from it.

I use to be afraid of failure.  No one likes to fail, but think about this.  When do you usually fail?  It’s usually when you are doing something for the first time.  Your objective is to try to do it right, to make it perfect; the first time out.  We all know there is no such thing as perfect, or at least I hope you do.  What you should really be focused on is this.  Is this aligned with my beliefs, my values, my purpose?  If they are, then it is ok to fail because as long as you are doing what you believe, if you try hard enough, you will succeed.  Remember, there is always more than one path to the finish line.  Most people get attached to one way and refuse to try something else.


How To Fail Your Way To The Top

One of the cast members in our up-coming documentary film, A Billion Entrepreneurs, said it perfectly.  Fritzi Woods said, “I am deeply attached to my purpose.  My purpose is to influence people in a positive way.  I am unattached to how I get there.”

The finish line is the objective, and the path is the series of options, decisions and tasks needed to complete the objective.  One day you take your car, another day you take the train, maybe one day you decide to walk.  You know what I love the most about being an entrepreneur?  I have a LICENSE to take any path I want and I can switch it up any time I want.  Now that’s freedom.  No matter what path you take, you can never be wrong as long as you are on purpose.  Now go out there and make some mistakes!  You have a LICENSE. ; )



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